
Smart search

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As many people as you want

From 1 to 100+

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Check destinations and prices in a specific area on the map

Accommodation and Activities 

Check hotels and keep your group entertained

Why Travy?

Versus Travy

1. Time-consuming and difficult to keep track of

2. Negative team dynamics and experiences

3. Difficulty in making decisions due to complexity

4. Uninspiring and dull travel destinations

5. No updated information about costs and other details

1. Rapid planning process, taking only minutes

2. Team collaboration and suggestions made easy

3. No complex formular, rapid dicision making

4. Destinations ideas based on travel needs

5. Data-driven decision-making based on real-time information

Hear what our clients had to say

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Co-founder, qube.app

I had an amazing experience using Travy for my recent trip to Europe. The platform was easy to use and the search algorithm was highly optimized, providing me with the most relevant flight options in seconds. I also loved the group booking feature, which allowed me to coordinate my travel plans with my friends and find the best deals on flights. Not only that, but Travy also provided a variety of affordable activities and things to do in the cities we visited. Overall, Travy made planning my trip stress-free and saved me both time and money. I highly recommend Travy to anyone looking for a reliable and affordable travel booking platform.

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